Tuesday, March 8, 2011

29th Post (History Fair Presentation Video)

Ello again bloggers. Last Friday, my school had the History Fair, and all the grade sevens and eights were competing. In the History Fair, you had to pick a topic involving History, and make a three- sided poster board, speech and a three-dimensional item about your topic, and you had to present it to the class. My project was on Native Inventions that we still use today, and for my speech I was a Native girl talking about the different inventions and how we helped the Europeans survive on their land, but in return, they took our land. My project got selected to go to the Regional History Fair at the Ottawa War Museum on April 20th. Wish me luck! Here's my presentation, I hope you enjoy it and learn something from it! Thank you for watching it, and have a good day! We're getting close to March Break! 

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