Tuesday, March 8, 2011

31st Post (History Fair Reflection)

This is my third post that I posted today bloggers! I'm busy as a bee! So as you may know already, our school had the History Fair last friday. We have to do a 4,3,2,1 reflection about the History Fair. It's been a while since I did a 4,3,2,1 on my blog. Click here for the assignment information! Here it is, I hope you enjoy it!

4 Most interesting things you learned about your topic.
One interesting thing that I learned about my topic was that the Aboriginals invented gum, and what they would do was that they would take sticky sap off a spruce tree and they would just chew it, and that was called Spruce Gum until the the 1800's when sugar was added and was just called gum. I thought that was really cool, and lots of people still use gum today, they even chew it at school, hoping they won't get caught.
     Another interesting thing I learned about my topic was that to make syringes, they would use the bladder from a small animal, usually a squirrel as well as a hollow bird bone to get medicine inside a human being. I thought it was disgusting, but at the same time, I thought it was fascinating how the Aboriginals would use almost anything to help them survive on their own land.
     The third interesting thing I learned about my topic was that they would use different kinds of snowshoes for different types of snow. For example, snowshoes that have pointed tips were the best selection for walking over snowy land with lots of vegetation. I didn't think that the Aboriginals made that many types of snowshoes, I thought there was only one designed pair of snowshoes for every kind of snow. To me, that seemed very cool.
     The last interesting thing that I learned about my topic was that the Aboriginals grew many different varieties of corn, and it's true. We eat corn in many ways, there's plain corn in a bowl, creamed corn. corn on the cob, popcorn, etc. I love corn, you can eat in different ways, and to have learned that the Aboriginals grew it first makes my love for corn even better. I'm so happy to have done this topic, and I learned so much from it, and I hope everyone else learned something about it as well.

3 Things you felt proud of on the day during the fair.
One thing I felt proud of on the day during the fair was my ability to answer questions. I was worried that I was going to flop on that, because I'm kind of a quiet person, but I felt like I answered the questions fine, and I'm proud of myself for that instead of being upset and stressed about it.
     Another thing I felt proud of on the day during the fair was the many times I presented my speech to students as well as teachers and judges. I felt like people understood what I was talking about and that I provoked emotion in my speech, and I think that the speech definitely enhanced my presentation a lot, and I'm proud of that.
     The last thing I felt proud of on the day during the fair was that I made it to the Regional Fair at the Ottawa War Museum. Out of one hundered and sixteen projects, twenty four from our school move on to Regionals, and I was one of them. I didn't expect it at all that I'm going to Regionals, and I feel extremely proud of myself for all the hard work and time and effort that was put into this presentation, and making it to the Regionals definately makes me feel proud, and I'm happy to have accomplished it after being stressed out about it.

2 Specific researching or presentation techniques that were helpful to make your project so wonderful.
One specific researching or presentation technique that was helpful to make my project so wonderful was that I found two books at an Ottawa Pulbic Library that really helped me a lot, and I got a ton of information from those two books. One book was named, A Native American Thought of It: Amazing Inventions and Innovations By: Rocky Landon and David MacDonald. The other book was named, Native North American Wisdom and Gifts By: Bobbie Kalman. I'm happy to have gotten those books. I also found this website, Click Here! and that helped me a lot too. I'm happy to have found that website, I got a lot of information from there too.
     The other specific researching or presentation techniques that were helpful to make my presentation so wonderful was that I imangine myself winning the lottery, and what that does is that I get nervous to super excited to present my project. I used this trick every time I have a music performance as well, and it works, so I'm happy I did that before I started presenting.

1 Suggestion to make the History Fair even better in the future.
One suggestion that I have to make the History Fair even better in the future is that we should look at other people's projects, because didn't get a chance to look at what other people did, because either they haven't been judged enough to look around or they didn't have permission to look around, and looking around is a nice break from standing there talking about your project in one place for two straight periods, so that would be my suggestion.

There you have it, my History Fair 4,3,2,1 is complete! Please feel free to check out the video of my History Fair presentation on my blog which is two posts down, and make sure to check out the video of me singing which is one post down. Please feel free to comment. Thank you, and have a good night. Three more school days left until March Break!  

1 comment:

Shauna Pollock said...

Hey kiddo,

Congrats again! I am so excited for you!

I put your amazing video up on Youtube if you want to share it with anyone. Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8a6QD96pn4