Hi Bloggers!
It's been a while since I last posted something on this blog, more like a year! I hope everybody enjoyed their first year of high school! I had a visit with Mrs. Pollock yesterday, and it made me think of our blogs and I thought since it's summer and I have nothing to do, I should make at least one blog!
Some of us went at Brookfield, others went to Canterbury, like me or St. Pats or Glebe, etc. I'm not going to lie, it was hard to move on, I was really nervous going into my first year of high school. It was my first year without my mom as a teacher at the same school that I was and I had to leave some awesome friends behind which was scary, because I've known some of them since kindergarten and being someone with Asperger's, I was afraid to make new friends with people. I was very quiet throughout the year and it took a long time, but I think I talked more and more to students at Canterbury that are my age when days passed and I got used to Canterbury more and more, and I still hang out with Hannah and Sara too which is so awesome. I wouldn't have made it through my first year at Canterbury without them. Now that it's June and ninth grade is over, I feel better about high school now that I've been there for a year, and you guys probably feel the same way, and I love Canterbury, it's such an accepting and amazing school! I'm so grateful to be in the Vocal Program there! Also, it went by so fast, before we know it, we will be graduating high school!
In our first year of high school, there were ups and downs, but just so you know if you are feeling low, you are not alone, and you will get through it. Believe me! Please feel free to comment! If any of you guys do read this, thank you for reading, and have a great summer 2012!!
Melissa's Hard"Core" Blog
Welcome to Melissa's Hard"Core" Blog. This year, my class will be developing blogs throughout the year for communicating with students in my class as well as students from different cities, schoolwork and more. Thank you very much for visiting.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Monday, June 6, 2011
37th Post (Where Children Eat And Sleep)
It's been another long while since I posted something, eh bloggers? I've been busy on this last month of school before I graduate! I have another geography assignment. I have to write a reflection about what children eat and where children sleep in the fictional country that I have created. I'm writing in first person, portraying a thirteen year old kid named Josoa from the town of Asali (Honey in Swahili. My name is honeybee in Greek, so I thought that honey and bees can be two significances for my country.) in my fictional country named Melburkie which is located in Africa. Click here for more assignment information. Well, here's my geography assignment, I hope you enjoy!

Well there you have it, my blog assignment is complete! If you made up a country, where would it be? What would it be like there? Please feel free to comment. Thank you, and have a good day! School will be over before you know it!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
36th Post: Melissa's Childhood Top Ten
Do you like to reminisce bloggers? I sure do! For my next blog assignment, I have to think of my top ten childhood memories that I have encountered from under the age of ten. Four of the memories have to be books, and two of the memories have to be toys or games. Click here for more assignment information. Here are my childhood top ten, I hope you enjoy!
These are my childhood top ten. (NOT RANKED)

2. Visiting My Nana's House in New Liskeard, Ontario.
I remember going to my grandmother's house for two weeks every summer when I was little at New Liskeard, Ontario, which is about 6 hours north from Ottawa. It was great, we ate some home-cooked meals, enjoyed the country life and the farm and visited relatives, from my aunt and uncle that just live down the street to my cousins that live an hour away from my nana's house. My nana doesn't own the house anymore, my aunt and uncle who live down the street bought the house since my nana moved in to the retirement home. I loved this memory, because I was so relaxed there, and it was great to visit my relatives who live up there in a town people probably haven't heard of. It still is special to me, because I still go to New Liskeard at least once a year, but stay at a different place like a cottage, but it isn't the same as nana's, it was more fun. Also, in my house, I have a picture of a bird's eye view of the house and the farm and when I look at that, I think about all of the good times I had there.

4. Reading Arthur Books and Watching Arthur.

I remember reading this book all the time when I was a little girl. It was so cute, and it was done by this amazing author and illustrator named Eric Carle. This caterpillar was always eating different kinds of foods, and always getting stomach aches, then in the end, he was a butterfly. I loved this memory, because I was always happy reading that book, and it made me want to consume something. It's still special to me, because my mom kept that book in her closet, and once in a while, I read that book everytime, and it made my day.
6. My Burgundy Chrysler Neon.
Before I had my blue Pontiac G6, I used to have a Chrysler Neon, and I've had that for many years. My family went everywhere in that car. We went to Florida and all the states to Florida in that car, we went to the East Coast of Canada in that car when my family went camping, we went to New Liskeard to visit my nana in that car. It had comfortable seats and we had to crank the window open with the hand thing, good times. I was sad when we sold the car about three years ago. I love this memory, because it was like our other member of the family, we drove him a lot and everywhere. It's still special to me, because I feel like a kid when I'm in that car. I always look to see which person has our car now. I wonder?
7. Reading "Princess Prunella and the Purple Peanut" by Margaret Atwood Illustrated by Maryann Kovalski.

8. Watching The Simpsons as a Kid.

I remember this book. I didn't even know who the author was until now, because it didn't show an author's name. I think my parents got it at the Hallmark gift shop, because it says Hallmark on the book. It's so cute! The illustrations of the faces are beautiful, a little bit too beautiful, and it was great to have that as a children's book. I love this memory, because I had that book for a long time and I read it a lot. It's still special to me, it makes me feel like a kid.
10. Playing Uno.

There you have it, there's my childhood top ten. Take some time to think back to your childhood and all the good times you had as a kid. As always, please feel free to comment. Thank you, and have a good day!
Monday, May 2, 2011
35th Post (Canadian Political Parties)
Oh my goodness bloggers, it's been over a month since I posted something on my blog! There has been a lot of assignments and projects and stuff for the past few weeks, so I haven't been posting lately. Now that I have another blog assignment now, there will probably be more coming ahead. For my geography blog assignment, I had to think if I were eighteen years old or over right now, who I would vote for in today's Election as our Prime Minister, and pick three reasons why I would pick this person as Canada's Prime Minister. Click here for the assignment information. So here's my assignment!

The second reason why I would vote for Stephen Harper and the Conservative party, is because for the past couple of years, he has been the current Prime Minister of Canada, and has many years of experience doing the job, unlike the rest of the people running for the next Prime Minister of Canada.
The third reason why I would vote for Stephen Harper and the Conservative party, is because I find him more trustworthy than the rest of the people running for the next Prime Minister of Canada. For example, he has kept his promises to cut taxes for the middle class. Also, the Conservative party have all of this money to make all of these advertisements showing for example, that he'll lower taxes to have lots and lots of people vote for him and the Conservative party. I also find him more responsible than the rest of the people running for the next Prime Minister of Canada. He has been doing his duties for the past few years.
He is a hard-working and responsible man, and a musician, LIKE ME! Those are the reasons why I think Stephen Harper from the Conservative party should be re-elected as the Prime Minister of Canada.
There you have it, that's who I would pick to be the Prime Minister of Canada if I were eighteen years old or over. I hope Stephen Harper gets re-elected tonight! Please feel free to comment. Thank you, and have a good and political day!
Friday, March 25, 2011
34th Post (Canada and China)
Good to see you again bloggers! Today, a bunch of students from China came to our school to learn the culture of Canada and the English language for the rest of the school year. Two students from China are in our class, and will be learning with us. It's very exciting! For my next Geography assignment, I will be going to the CIA World Factbook, and I will be comparing and contrasting three pieces of information about China and Canada, and then saying something about it. Click here for the assignment information! Here's my assignment, I hope you enjoy it!
After looking at the CIA World Factbook website, I have found three things that I would like to compare, contrast and talk about. One thing that I compared with Canada and China is that in China, 740 000 people are living with HIV or AIDS and 26 000 died since 2009 while in Canada, 68 000 people are living with HIV or Aids and less than 1000 died since 2009. It's sad that more people in China are living with HIV or AIDS, I wonder if part of why more people in China have HIV or AIDS is because Canada has better health care than China's health care.
Another thing that I compared with Canada and China is that the age structure in kids that are aged from 0-14 years are 15.7% in Canada. However, in China, the age structure in kids that are aged from 0-14 years are 17.6%. It's really sad that in China, part of the law is that you only can keep one child, and if you have more children in the future, you would have to give the children up for adoption. It's really sad, I would be really devastated and scared if I was given up for adoption or if I were the parent having to give up the rest of my children up for adoption.
The other thing that I compared with Canada and China is that since this year, the average age that men are in China are 34.9 years old. However, the average age that men are in Canada are 39.8 years old. The average age that women are in male are 36.2 years old. However, the average age that women are in Canada are 42.1 years old. Finally, the average age for men and women combined in China are 35.5 years old. However, the average age that men and women combined in China are 41 years old. I don't understand why decimals have to be included in the ages. It should've been rounded. I kind of thought that the average ages would be around the mid-thirties to the early fourties. I don't know why, but I just felt like I thought that.
There you have it, my Geography assignment is complete. If you have a chance to look at the CIA World Factbook website, you should go and check it out, it's pretty cool. It's also a book, so you should get this year's edition at your local book store. You can compare things from many different countries from there. Please feel free to comment. Thank you, and have a great weekend!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
33rd Post (Faces of the World)
I hope you had an excellent March Break bloggers! History has ended for my class, and now we are starting Geography! I'm really excited for Geography this year, and the first Geography blog assignment that I have to do is so cool. My assignment is about the idea of changing the human face, and I have to analyze and research about the idea. I'll be answering a few questions about what I've found out. Click here for the assignment information. Here's my assignment!
Part A: In my own words, “Globalization” is the unification or integration of countries around the world for a purpose, or when all countries around the world coming together and becoming one for a purpose. For example, the United Nations. This is the Online Dictionary definition of "Globalization".
Part B: One person would go by making these faces by taking a bunch of faces, each with different ethnic origins and skin colours, and this person would use the latest technology that's ever been created, and have all the faces combined to make one face, making it The Face of Tomorrow. Facial identities change over generations, because much more people are born each day, and the man and the woman who made the baby are different from each other. For example, the man could be a black man, and the woman could be a white woman. So, even more faces with different ethnic origins and skin colours are revealed, and The Face of Tomorrow changes over generations.
Part C: One thing that I found interesting visiting "The Face of Tomorrow" website was that when all the faces from one particular city are combined to make that one face, the face is not an actual or real face, it's just a ghost. That interested me so much, because the combined face seemed really life-like it's impossible that it's not a real person from that particular city's face.
Another thing that I found interesting visiting "The Face of Tomorrow" website was that for each particular city, you can get a poster, showing all of the faces used in this project from that particular city in the middle of the poster, and on the sides, they showed the male combined face and the female combined face, and I feel like when I looked at all the faces, and then look at the combined faces, it seems like each face from the particular city has a little bit of a resemblance to the male combined face, and the female comined face.
The other thing that I found interesting visiting "The Face of Tomorrow website was that they take different cities around the world that will have a great diversity while comparing combined faces from at least four different cities which I found pretty cool, and some combined faces from different cities kind of looked alike. So far, they combined faces from a lot of different cities, and more will be revealed on the website pretty soon, which will mean that there will be an even more ethnic origins and skin colours revealed on the website. It will also mean that there will be even more comparisons from combined faces from at least four different cities. What a cool website. I recommend you should come and check it out!
Part B: One person would go by making these faces by taking a bunch of faces, each with different ethnic origins and skin colours, and this person would use the latest technology that's ever been created, and have all the faces combined to make one face, making it The Face of Tomorrow. Facial identities change over generations, because much more people are born each day, and the man and the woman who made the baby are different from each other. For example, the man could be a black man, and the woman could be a white woman. So, even more faces with different ethnic origins and skin colours are revealed, and The Face of Tomorrow changes over generations.
Part C: One thing that I found interesting visiting "The Face of Tomorrow" website was that when all the faces from one particular city are combined to make that one face, the face is not an actual or real face, it's just a ghost. That interested me so much, because the combined face seemed really life-like it's impossible that it's not a real person from that particular city's face.
Another thing that I found interesting visiting "The Face of Tomorrow" website was that for each particular city, you can get a poster, showing all of the faces used in this project from that particular city in the middle of the poster, and on the sides, they showed the male combined face and the female combined face, and I feel like when I looked at all the faces, and then look at the combined faces, it seems like each face from the particular city has a little bit of a resemblance to the male combined face, and the female comined face.
The other thing that I found interesting visiting "The Face of Tomorrow website was that they take different cities around the world that will have a great diversity while comparing combined faces from at least four different cities which I found pretty cool, and some combined faces from different cities kind of looked alike. So far, they combined faces from a lot of different cities, and more will be revealed on the website pretty soon, which will mean that there will be an even more ethnic origins and skin colours revealed on the website. It will also mean that there will be even more comparisons from combined faces from at least four different cities. What a cool website. I recommend you should come and check it out!
Part D:
This is what I think represents "The Face of Tomorrow" the most. Two reasons why I think this represents "The Face of Tomorrow", because I think this addresses the effects of globalization on identity the most, and the faces combined to make this face were a blend of different ethnic origins, genders and skin colours. Most people living in the world I believe are Chinese people, so when I selected my faces to make this face at Face Research, the most faces I selected were Chinese. I also selected faces with darker skin tones as well as people with people with lighter skin tones. I didn't select all the faces given, but I selected a few that I thought when comibining the faces to make that one, that face would address the effects of globalization on identity the most. I also think this is "The Face of Tomorrow", because I just predict that most people's faces would look like this in the future with a mixed tone and complexions sort if like that that face. More people though will be born with different identities, and the effects of globalization on identity will change in future generations, so I wonder what "The Face of Tomorrow" will be when I'm eighty years old.
Part E: I don't really have a face in mind that represents myself, my nationality and my family, because I didn't really think of any face. I'll keep you posted. One thing about my own identity that is shown the world by my face is my lips and my eyebrows, because I got those features from my grandfather who was French. Another thing about my own identity that is shown the world by my face is that I have a freckle face and a fair complexion that I get from both my parents who are Irish and Scottish.
There you have it, my first ever Geography assignment is complete! Please feel free to comment. Thank you, and have a good day!
Friday, March 11, 2011
32nd Post (DigLitCircs Discussion #6)
Hello again bloggers. We have come to the LAST Ottawa-Oshawa Digital Literature Circles for Sketches by Eric Walters. This is so sad! I've had so much fun discussing the book Sketches by Eric Walters with my peers as well as peers in Oshawa. I would like to thank Andrianna, Karran, Arianna, Haneen, Sara and Hannah for discussing Sketches by Eric Walters with me. I really had fun with you guys discussing the book, agreeing on one thing, disagreeing on another thing. Some discussions, we had up to thirty comments. We've had some great times during our awesome discussions. I hope you guys enjoyed the book as much as I did! Sara will be posting the question for the last discussion! Click here for Sara's discussion so far! I know that this last discussion is going to be awesome as usual and will end us off with a bang. Thank you for staying tuned to all of the Ottawa-Oshawa Digital Literature Circles discussion for Sketches by Eric Walters. I highly recommend that you read Sketches or any other book by Eric Walters, they're amazing! Thank you, and enjoy March Break 2011!
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