Monday, May 2, 2011

35th Post (Canadian Political Parties)

Oh my goodness bloggers, it's been over a month since I posted something on my blog! There has been a lot of assignments and projects and stuff for the past few weeks, so I haven't been posting lately. Now that I have another blog assignment now, there will probably be more coming ahead. For my geography blog assignment, I had to think if I were eighteen years old or over right now, who I would vote for in today's Election as our Prime Minister, and pick three reasons why I would pick this person as Canada's Prime Minister. Click here for the assignment information. So here's my assignment!  

If I were eighteen years old or over right now, the Prime Minister from the following party that I would vote for in today's Election would be Stephen Harper from the Conservative Party. (That's why my font colour is blue.) 
One reason why I would vote for Stephen Harper, is because Stephen Harper has a university degree in Economics, and therefore is better able to guide Canada through the current world recession than Mr. Layton or Mr. Ignatieff, two of a few people running for the next Prime Minister of Canada. According to the Conservative Party website, voting for Stephen Harper and the conservative party would mean that their government would keep taxes low, unlike if you have vote for the Liberals, the NDP or Bloc-Quebecois, there would be an alliance between those three parties, so that will mean our taxes will be raised and our economic recovery will be stalled.
  The second reason why I would vote for Stephen Harper and the Conservative party, is because for the past couple of years, he has been the current Prime Minister of Canada, and has many years of experience doing the job, unlike the rest of the people running for the next Prime Minister of Canada.  
  The third reason why I would vote for Stephen Harper and the Conservative party, is because I find him more trustworthy than the rest of the people running for the next Prime Minister of Canada. For example, he has kept his promises to cut taxes for the middle class. Also, the Conservative party have all of this money to make all of these advertisements showing for example, that he'll lower taxes to have lots and lots of people vote for him and the Conservative party. I also find him more responsible than the rest of the people running for the next Prime Minister of Canada. He has been doing his duties for the past few years. 

He is a hard-working and responsible man, and a musician, LIKE ME! Those are the reasons why I think Stephen Harper from the Conservative party should be re-elected as the Prime Minister of Canada.

There you have it, that's who I would pick to be the Prime Minister of Canada if I were eighteen years old or over. I hope Stephen Harper gets re-elected tonight! Please feel free to comment. Thank you, and have a good and political day!  

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