Wednesday, December 15, 2010

17th Blog (The Slam!)

It's been a while since I posted a blog! I hope you bloggers are doing awesome. On Wednesday, two slam poets from Ottawa named Greg "Ritallin" Frankson and Beth Anne Fisher came to our class for a few days, and helped us develop and improve our poetry. Out of the four workshops, I only went to two, because I've been sick and I enjoyed them quite well. Our assignment today is to reflect from the workshops and post my poem. Click here for the assignment info. Here it is, I hope you enjoy it!

A) One thing that I learned from Greg and Beth Anne was the word 'Cadence" or "Cadency" which pretty much means the rhythmic flow in a poem for example. When I first learned about that word, I thought it was such a cool juicy word to say and it had such a cool meaning. I should use that word instead of flow, flow is just boring. The other thing I learned from Greg and Beth Anne was to take chances. Take chances to write what you truly and personally feel. Another example could be to take chances to try memorizing the poem, (Like I did.) and if you make a mistake or forget a line, (Like I did.) that's okay. Most people that listen don't even notice mess-ups. Take chances!

B) When writing my poem, one thing that I used as an inspiration was Khaleefa, because I wanted to write a poem using his kind of speaker style and also using different words instead of same old boring words. When writing my poem, another thing that I used as an inspiration was performing, because the slam poem that I wrote (which will be posted further on) is about my unique place that I decided which would be on stage, so I took what I remembered from being on stage and put it in my poem. (that I will be showing you further on) When writing my poem, the final thing that I used as an inspiration was my mother. Believe it or not, I didn't think of the idea that being on stage was my unique place, my mom did. It happened a few weeks ago, and me and my mom were on a city bus going to an appointment, and I was having writer's block, because I couldn't decide what to do for my poem about a unique place. So my mom told me as a suggestion that I should put being on stage as my unique place, and I though it was a good idea, so I did it. I credit my mother on coming up with the idea, thanks!

C) From my presentation of my poem, I'm most proud of when I messed up. I thought I memorized everything, but I didn't, and so when I messed up, I just paused and went on with the show. I had to get my sheet though, because I was having a brain fart, but hey, at least I had the guts to take chance and try not to use my sheet even though it was an epic fail. We're human though, we make mistakes, so it's no big deal. After the presentation, Greg and Beth Anne told me that one of the best parts of my presentation was when I forgot the lines, and I just took my time to get it together and didn't give up, and that made me feel better. I'm used to mess-ups anyway, because I'm a performer.

D) Before the performance, I was a little bit nervous, but I felt like I was ready to perform, because I was practicing at home and at school as much as I could.

E) After the performance, I felt a little stupid, because I messed up and I should've had my paper just like everyone else just in case. Then, after I heard what everyone had to say, I felt better about it and relieved that it was over with.

F) The one thing that I would change about my performance for next time is practice time. I've been sick, so I didn't know about the whole slam until Monday, so I had only two days to get my presentation ready. Next time, I should try to practice more at home as well as school as much as I can.

G) Everyone did a fantastic job today! All the poems were so creative and powerful. I'm so proud of everyone!

Okay, there was the first part of my assignment. Here's the second part of it, my poem that I presented about my unique place which is on stage. It's called "My Turn", enjoy!

I catch my breath,
No nerves left.
Every moment counts, it's all for the best.

I open my eyes,
It takes me by surprise, the crowd roaring like thunder.
Can't make a blunder, but they won't care.
If I make a mistake, the audience won't break,
Into flames, and boos would trap the room like ghouls,
That won't happen though, right fools?

All I'm hearing is the chant of my name.
The sound's insane, crowd's sane,
The pounding of my heart's like rain drops on a window pane.
I want more, but it's not even the encore.
Time for me to hit the floor, right now.
No turning back, like I'm under attack.

They hear my voice, clear as a bell.
The mic works well, don't you think?
Or is it down the drain, like a bathroom sink.
What do you think?
Tell me!
The performance could be a sellout.
Former fans are telling me, “Get the hell out!”
Or it could be the most memorable, unforgettable feeling.
So appealing, like a banana peel.
Is this for real?
Tell me now, yell it out!
Well now, have you decided?

Opinions count, every single amount.
It's intoxicating, elevating.
They're either loving or hating.
If you love it thanks, if you hate it, I won't get mad, that's alright.
I won't start a fight in the night, or stab myself with a knife.

Let me tell you something though.
My dreams are a priority, not a minority.
So don't put me down!
You see MJ with his moonwalk and smooth talk.
Then you see Elvis with his blue suede shoes and sideburns,
You can paint the town, but you can't take me down.

This has been a journey to remember, far from surrender,
But for now, I hold my head up high, don't sigh, don't cry.
I just catch my breath,
No nerves left.
Every moment counts, it's all for the best.

I hope you enjoyed it! Well there you have it, my assignment is complete. Please feel free to comment. Thank you, enjoy these last couple of days of school before HOLIDAYS!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Great poem Melissa!
I really like the second last stanza but I can relate to the whole poem and the feeling of stepping on stage and not knowing what to expect from the crowd. Keep it up!