Wednesday, February 2, 2011

22nd Blog: (Ethical Giving or If I Had $100)

Yo bloggers! My next assignment that I had to do was made by Miss Crosbie, the teacher of our Oshawa buddies. We're given 100 imaginary dollars and with that imaginary $100, we have to think of what charity and what kind of gifts that we will give using that imaginary $100. Click here for more assignment information.  You can also click here.  Think, if you had $100, what would you do with it? Would you spend it on yourself, or for someone in need?

If I had $100, I would give all my money to World Vision, because World Vision is one of the biggest charitable organizations in the world, and its focus is to help children and families overcome the obstacles they face during poverty in many different countries around the world. I always hated seeing commercials of different families struggling to cope with their own lives, and I always wanted to help with different charities, and World Vision was a charity that interested me, so I would choose to give money to World Vision if I had $100. I would purchase two hens and a rooster to someone in need. The reason why I would choose this gift, because when you receive two hens and a rooster, they can lay up to 150 eggs combined. With those eggs, it can provide food for you and you can also sell them for money. Also, some particular countries do not allow hens or roosters, so instead World Vision would give people in those particular countries other poultry animals, such as turkeys or ducks, etc. and that can be raised, bred or eaten. It would be such a great gift to give, and it's World Vision's most popular gift every single year. Another gift that I would like to purchase would be some musical instruments and art supplies for children. The reason why I would also choose this gift is because I have a huge passion in the arts especially music, and for a child to have never expressed their self in that way is unimaginable. With art and music, you can escape from rough patches and express yourself. It can change a child's life momentarily, and a child will burst into creativity. The arts needs to be shared with the world, and you can always rely on the the arts, it will always be there when you need to express yourself. I would be distributing my funds by spending $50 on two hens and a rooster and $50 on art and music supplies. That's what I would do if I had $100, how about you? 

There you have it, there's my assignment, please feel free to comment. My friend Tara <- (Click here for her story) has gave some money to World Vision and has definitely inspired people including me to follow in her footsteps. I attended the "Make it Happen" conference along with Tara and 16 other grade eights in my school, and I learned a lot about different kinds of charities and how I could help. This year, I want to try to be more generous to people and to give more to people in need. Please show some empathy and make a change for people around the world who have less than what you have. Instead of recieving gifts for Birthdays or Christmases, etc., ask your family or friends to give you money so you can give gifts to people who have less than what you have, it'll be very appreciative.  Thank you, and have a good snowy day.

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