Saturday, February 5, 2011

23rd Blog (DigLitCircs Discussion #1)

Allo bloggers! Our class and our Oshawa buddies are coming together and doing Literature Circles, which is when you're in groups, and you have a different book for each group, and you read sections of it every week, and then once a week you discuss with your group about the section that you are reading, and you would also have questions about the book to respond. The thing that all of these books have in common is that they're by the same author which is Eric Walters. I'm reading the book, Sketches by him, and it's really good so far. To start us off, Andrianna from Oshawa was our host for the first ever Sketches discussion, and started us off with a BANG! Click here to check out the discussion so far! I'm really enjoying it so far, and I hope everyone else who's taking part of it is enjoying it as well! Next week, I will be the host for the second Sketches discussion, and I'm very excited. I need to think about a question, and decide how to welcome people! Stay tuned to all of the discussions of Sketches! I will keep you posted! Please feel free to comment. Thank you, and enjoy your weekend! 

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